
Why Companies Use an Offshore Development Center (ODC) for Software Development

Snigdha ChakrabortiJul 13, 20233 min read

Discover why many businesses use an Offshore Development Center, or ODC, for their software development…

Understanding and Using Navigation Service in Lightning Web Components 

Snigdha ChakrabortiJul 12, 20234 min read

Improve your web app’s user experience through the power of navigation service in Lightning Web…

Data Visualization: Leveraging Tableau with Your CRM System 

Snigdha ChakrabortiJul 11, 20233 min read

Get the most out of your CRM data using Tableau visualizations! This guide takes you…

Using ChatGPT on Slack To Increase Efficiency & Productivity  

Snigdha ChakrabortiJul 10, 20233 min read

Optimize your team’s productivity and workflow by using ChatGPT on Slack. With a few simple…

Introducing Salesforce Einstein GPT: Exploring the Benefits 

Snigdha ChakrabortiJul 7, 20234 min read

Discover the advantages of Salesforce Einstein GPT, the world’s first AI-driven sales automation platform! In…
