Cloud computing delivers computing services, including servers, storage, database, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence, to provide faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. With the increased popularity of Cloud Computing, software service vendors are utilizing the opportunity to win business by providing new and innovative technological solutions. 

In this blog, CloudVandana, a reputed Salesforce partner in India, will discuss five key trends to consider in Cloud Computing. 

Based on recent activities, it is safe to say that Cloud computing is an industry that will not disappear soon. The global cloud computing market is expected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2028, with a market growth of 15%. The factor that influences the rise is the COVID-19 pandemic and the advanced business services by Cloud technology. 

Top 5 Trends In Cloud Computing

1. Expansion

As more users transition to the cloud, providers develop various innovative methods to promote edge computing utilization. By enabling users to process their data at the edge of the network, the companies allow connections from virtually anywhere. Edge computing can provide better security, efficiency, and decreased costs for the users who would be storing the data locally. In addition, it can provide access to areas that generally lack connections and enables continual and autonomous operations to occur even when not connected. As a result, most organizations that need connections in extreme environments have chosen to adopt this technology. 

2. Multi-Cloud And Hybrid Infrastructure

While some organizations have shifted to Cloud computing, many org still operate on hybrid infrastructures. Many companies appreciate multi-cloud infrastructure‘s flexibility to access on-premise technologies and private and public clouds. While the infrastructure models help facilitate digital transformation, sometimes they can lead to increased complexity and costs for users—cloud application migration and development. And diverse cloud data storages are another popular topic regarding hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructures. Vendors are already offering solutions and providing the required assistance to help organizations with the processes. So this can be expected that users can utilize a hybrid workspace or enjoy public cloud capabilities while maintaining control of a private cloud. 

3. Security And Regulatory Compliance Upgrade

Cloud security systems help organizations secure infrastructures and cybersecurity standards. However, business operations on the cloud can put organizations at risk of security breaches and cyber threats. In addition, operational compliance and reporting risks pose significant risks to organizations adopting cloud computing, as they can result in data breaches and damage the company’s reputation and customer trust. Cloud security solutions can reduce these risks. 

These systems can offer features for data loss prevention like encryption, authentication, endpoint protection, and access management. 

4. Normalization Of AI and ML Intelligence

These technologies enable highly desired features, and service suppliers are doing their best to meet these demands. AI and automation have become commonplace in cloud technologies, and ML is catching up. ML algorithms can take business decision-making to the next level, enabling organizations to assess potential opportunities. In addition, cloud and back-end operations will likely feature AI for analytical capabilities and solutions that can react appropriately. 

5. Focus On Green Computing Initiatives

Now, organizations realize that consumers appreciate those businesses that prioritize environmental protection and care about the well-being of future generations. The green computing initiative is now a growing trend in the cloud computing scene, and service providers mention it in their marketing campaigns. 

This aims to support sustainable computing by reducing energy consumption, carbon emissions, and physical storage. While Cloud computing is an environmentally beneficial option, companies focus on greener computing and minimizing their carbon footprint. 

Do you want to know more about Cloud Computing? Please schedule a free consultation call with CloudVandana, a reputed CRM service provider, and make your work process seamless. Call us now.

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