Click-through rate is the percentage of impressions that resulted in a click. If the pay-per-click ad had 1000 impressions and one click, that is a 0.1% CTR. CRT informs the marketers how relevant an ad is to the audience.
- High CTR– The metric shows that people are finding the ad highly relevant.
- Low CTR– This metric informs that the ad to be less relevant.
The goal of any PPC campaign is to attract qualified users to come to the website and perform the desired action.
CTR or click-through rate is the first step in the process to improve the advertisements’ relevancy and generating the desired actions. Instead of only focussing on local SEO content, marketers need to understand what turns searches into readers, and readers into customers improving the organic click-through rate.
Why CTR Is Important
CTR is the percentage of users who click on a result provided by search engines. So the result here indicated the URL. Though is it primarily considered to get a good ranking in the search engine optimization(SEO), but in the long run, when a URL is frequently visited, search engines will consider the site valuable and relevant and will refer in the future for other searches with the same keywords.
In this article, CloudVandana is giving few tips to improve the CTR.
1. Simple Title Format
The title tag is the most important factor to drive the attention of the audience. Through the title, inside content can be judged. So the title should be simple yet informative. People usually go through the search results looking for the best-suited result. If the title is simple and clearly explains the content, the link will drive more CTR.
2. Descriptive URLs
Page URL is one of the most important pieces of information on the search engine result page. The most effective way to make it as descriptive as possible. A marketer can include the keywords in the URL. Another important way to optimize the URL is to keep it short. This makes it more attractive to the audience as well as search engines, and CTR increases.
3. Long Tail Keywords
Using long-tail keywords is the most important part to enhance the organic CTR. Long-tail keywords are highly descriptive, so they match the content perfectly to search intent. When users find a descriptive long-tail keyword that matches their searches, they become motivated to click on the URLs.
4. Effective Meta Description
Another effective strategy to boost the CTR is to write an informative and effective meta description. The meta description appears just below of title tag that describes and summarizes the content in the SERPs or search engine result pages. The meta description should be directly related to the page content and should be unique from other pages. The meta descriptions shouldn’t just be a product description, it should be a convincing element that will convey the message that the content can provide solutions to the users. A proper CTA (call to action) button can be added like learn more or find out how.
5. Structured Data Implementation
Structured data implementation is a great way to interact to search engine algorithms. This will help to display rich, interactive search results. This type of search result attracts more clicks. They appear at the top of the SERPs. They are more attractive than plain URLs. So implementing structured data will enhance the CTR rates.
6. Post With Images
Using images in the posts will improve the organic CTR. Images are a powerful way to increase engagement. Images not only attract the users but also increases the chances of the URL being clicked on when users look for image search results. For this function to work properly, marketers should add a proper name to the images along with alt text.
7. A/B Testing Of Headlines
Headlines make the first impression on the users to click on the content. As it plays such a serious role, so marketers should try to choose the right headlines for the content that will draw the target audience.
One of the best ways to do this practice is A/B Testing. A Marketer can post any content on popular social media and can wait for a few days to understand the engagement, then the marketer can change the headlines and re-publish the same content with the new heading and can compare the engagement rates for both the publications.
8. Optimize Site Speed
Today, mobile phones are considered the primary medium for surfing the internet. So websites should be mobile optimized in speed, size, and presentation. If people click on a certain link and that takes a long time to be loaded, people will immediately leave the link which will negatively affect the CTR.
9. High Converting Landing Page
A landing page is another important element for achieving more CTR. If a landing page is designed in an innovative way, it can be an excellent source of traffic. To design a landing page in a proper way, marketers need to understand a page’s anatomy first. A clear and informative headline should be used throughout the webpage, high-quality images, and well-produced videos should be there. Quality and informative content adds credibility to any website and helps in boosting traffic. In addition, the CTA button is a must for every page such as connect to us, etc.
So these are the factors that help to boost the organic click-through rate most and make any campaign successful.
Digital Marketing Manager at Cloudvandana Solutions