Mulesoft has been a part of the Salesforce family since 2018. The platform offer solutions that unlock the potential of every person in the organization so that they can deliver business outcomes faster. Mulesoft automates routine work and integrates systems to free up time and move the organization forward. 

Mulesoft provides easy-to-use tools to build automation and integrations while giving line-of-business (LOB) teams secure, self-service access to the exact capabilities and components for better success. 

In this blog,  CloudVandana will discuss seven essential digital transformation trends disclosed by Mulesoft. These trends are key to overcoming operational pressure while maintaining and improving customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. 

Let’s look at the detailed report Of Mulesoft

1. Investment In Automation

Automation plays an essential part in moving an organization forward. It provides efficient growth, enhances productivity, and generates cost savings. The automation technology by Salesforce saves customers over 100 billion hours every month. So for a better success rate, organizations across the world should adopt more strategic, enterprise-wide automation initiatives. To achieve the potential of these initiatives, integration and composability are essential. 

2. Composability

Composability helps teams to perform more and increase efficiency by enabling teams to reuse the existing capabilities to become more agile. By combining composability strategies, organizations can scale easily for a seamless and connected customer experience. 

3. Low/No-code Tools To Accelerate Transformation

Acquiring IT talent has never been harder. With the increasing demand for digital transformation and IT talent shortage, IT teams are increasingly stretched. So, low/no-code tools have a chance to roll out across the workforce to reduce these pressures and reuse capabilities in their digital projects. This approach will help to remove IT bottlenecks and accelerate transformation. 

4. Invest In Total Experience Strategies To Drive Greater Customer Loyalty

Organizations will be under more pressure now to deliver seamless customer experience to drive better growth, safeguard revenues, and ensure customer loyalty, as employee experience is essential for a better success rate. Organizations can contrast customer experience and employee experience to increase revenues and deliver more agile business processes. 

5. Enhanced Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is now much stricter than before. For better success, organizations need to manage connections, APIs, compositions, and automation bots from a single interface. This practice will lead to the growing adoption of lightweight platforms designed to work across multiple architecture or application types. They can reside in both the public cloud and the provider’s data center or out at an edge device. 

6. Data-Driven Decision Intelligence

Creating data-driven decisions is always a top priority for various organizations across the world. So, data needed to generate actionable intelligence is often locked away in enterprise silos creating innovation by merging real-time analytics to help to break down data silos and create a data fabric that provides automated, intelligent, and real-time insights and reduces untimely decisions. So organizations are increasingly looking to automate decision-making, helping them to accelerate time-to-value and reduce wasted opportunities. 

7. Sustainability

Environmental sustainability is one of the biggest challenges. So, to drive sustainability into the operations, organizations are looking for data-driven insights and improved integration across supply chains. “As companies gear up for the year ahead, businesses must recognize that effectively utilizing new digital techniques is the only way to ensure growth amidst economic pressures,” Said McLarty. “Investing in cost-efficient, employee- and customer-centric technologies will be critical for companies seeking to remain agile and break away from the competition in 2023.” 

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