Accessible technology is used successfully by people with a wide range of functional abilities. Accessible technology enables every user to interact with the technology in various ways that work best for the user. When all the person can have a good experience with technology, only the high success will come with technology. Here comes the concept of accessible technology. 

Today, in this blog, CloudVandana will describe the basic concept of accessible technology. Accessible technology also includes the disabled. So technology should be updated with inclusive innovation for successful adoption.

Previously, technology was not built so that it could include physically and mentally disabled individuals. The medical model doesn’t think about the full spectrum of human experience. It is not only a binary problem. When designers consider chronic, medically-minded conceptions of disability, they leave out people with various challenges. Sometimes, users cannot access a computer because of a drained wireless mouse or heavy glare on a mobile phone screen. A verbal command option should also be available for people who are not comfortable navigating screens and keyboards. Sometimes, users can technically access the experience but face challenges due to the slow internet in their homes. 

In present times, accessible design is all about ensuring that a piece of technology is used in a way that aligns with the broad spectrum of human ability. 

How To Make The Accessible Technology Adaptive

Accessible technology is vast, so meeting every requirement needs time and effort for a seamless user experience. So let’s look at the best practices to provide a more positive experience for everyone. 

1. Practices Of Using (alt. text) For Images

This practice is simple but effective. For example, a short snippet of descriptive text can take the place of images allowing blind and low vision users to understand the ideas as the text is accessible by screen readers. This also helps in search engine optimization(SEO) value as search engines prioritize more accessible content. 

2. Usage Of Various Colors

Color can be visually appealing. Designers can highlight the pricing packages, warnings, or important examples with different colors to reinforce the meaning. The color code should be accomplished by text or other indicators. 

3. Captions For Videos

A few pieces of media are more engaging than video content. Spending time to create accurate captions and transcripts ensures that everyone can access the high-value asset, including deaf or hard-of-hearing users and people in crowded, noisy spaces. 

4. Interaction With Input Device

Users take advantage of alternative input devices that work better for their requirements. External input devices allow everyone to succeed.  

Accessible Technology creates better relationships. When customers feel more equipped, trust can be earned to stay with the brand beyond any interaction. Are you interested in creating more accessible technologies at your workplace with the help of experienced Salesforce resources? Please contact the Salesforce Consulting Partner CloudVandana today to stay one step ahead of your competitors. 

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