Client Relationships are the heart of a business. As per the client relationship definition, “ Client relations are the relationships that a business has with its clients and the way in which it treats them”. It is a strategy to manage the organization’s relationship and interaction with customers and potential customers.

Understanding your client’s expectations from the very beginning puts you in a better position to fulfill their requirements than working based on your own conception. Marketing should be joyful. When identifying your ideal client, you have to consider a few things.

Friendly Behaviour

If you consider your client like one of your good friends, it will be easier for you to connect with them. You will be able to understand their needs in a better way. You have to understand that your readiness and your client’s readiness are not the same. So you have to act according to your client’s comfort level. You can suggest some exciting activities which they can do to make the most of their weekends. Soon you will be able to turn your clients into friends in a meaningful way.

Respect the Client’s time

You have to respect your client’s time schedule. Time is one of the most important resources that you and your client have. The relationship can be affected if a person does not keep up with the time of their clients. So you have to be comfortable while talking to your client regarding appointments. In case you are planning to meet up, do not make them wait, and better decide a comfortable time that is okay for both. Show up on time and get straight to business. Always be respectful to your clients. This will determine the rest of the relationship.

Work like a Dreamcatcher

When you are interacting with your client, try to insert and intake only good things like a Dreamcatcher does. Some negative perspectives might be there, but you have to move towards your goal just ignoring them. You should let your client know about each and every phase of your project so that they will be able to understand where they are investing and how you are going to be working. Thus a transparent perspective will be built.

Treat Clients as Individuals

Many times we treat the clients as a group when they need to be treated as individuals. All clients are unique so we can expect that their requirements also should be different from each other. So a salesperson has to provide individual solutions and advice to each client. Personalized communication with the right term will work better. Using a segmented strategy and a relevant solution will assure your bonding with your client and this will help you to get them back in the future. At Cloudvandana, we have customized and segmented solutions for each of our existing and potential clients. Their satisfaction is our motivation.

Make your own checklist

Self-assessment and updating are very important to grow the business you are dealing with. So give yourself a target and maintain your own checklist.


A proper mode of communication should be there to understand the requirements of your clients. Sometimes, e-mail communication can help you learn about your client’s expectations. However, most of the time, a phone call is the most effective way of communication to get to know the other person and if face-to-face client support is needed, video conferencing is a great option. You have to remember that Sales is a conversation, not a presentation. So every time proper two-way communication should be there.

One of the best ways to communicate with your clients is through social media. You have to build a consistent presence there. Make sure to humanize your brand and showcase your personality. Respond quickly to create a better user experience.

Not only social presence, but offline interaction is also important. A unique handwritten message over a gift or a congratulatory message works wonders.

Dream of it

You have to convert your task into your dream. Then only, the business development process will be accomplished towards success.

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