Cloud-based healthcare refers to integrating cloud computing technology to maintain healthcare services. Pandemic forced all the sectors to provide services in a new virtual way. Healthcare is not exceptional from this trend. Presently, more healthcare providers are looking to work in a cloud-computing environment to save time and maintain all the records digitally.

 Healthcare providers needed a better way to integrate the clinical and non-clinical information to understand their patients’ needs and preferences. Unfortunately, many healthcare organizations still depend on EHR(Electronic Health Records). If healthcare providers solely rely on the EHR, they might deliver a disjoint, disconnected patient experience. As a result, it becomes challenging to provide healthcare remotely, and patients wait for essential information.  

Here comes cloud-based healthcare to provide a single source of truth for clinical and non-clinical patient data. Salesforce, the #1 CRM, has introduced Salesforce Health Cloud to provide a cloud-based healthcare system.

Cloud-based healthcare solution solves the common challenges related to healthcare and lets the healthcare providers focus on patient and their needs. Through this technology, patient data can be accessed anytime, from anywhere globally. Furthermore, all information is accessed securely from a single console.

The cloud can easily connect to the EHR or any other record system through an API, allowing organizations to centralize data. For example, an API can take data from a contact center, marketing database, or any other system to bring all the information together. 

Benefits Of Cloud-Based Healthcare System

Following are the benefits of cloud-based healthcare-

1. Efficient In Operation

Teams can access all the data needed from a single platform and see all the patient data. This makes the process easy to quickly answer the patient queries, manage preferences, which leads to a satisfying patient experience. As a result, Healthcare organizations can use automation to manage time-consuming tasks and entirely focus on patients and their requirements. 

2. Personalized Patient Supervision

Health coordinators can easily access the complete view of a patient’s health, treatment, history, recent procedures, test results, etc. So from those data, they can provide personalized offerings to the patient, ensuring that no requirement remains overlooked. 

3. Remote Access

Cloud-based healthcare offers remote access or access from anywhere to the healthcare providers, even when they are outside the office. For example, if a doctor is not in the hospital, still the doctor can access patient information from a single dashboard.  On the other hand, patients can take virtual appointments for any kind of medical requirement or when it becomes challenging to reach the hospital. So, we can see that patients get more options to contact the healthcare providers and take the necessary suggestions. This process enhances patient outcomes. 

4. Reduce Manual Error

Previously, patients and healthcare providers used physical binders to keep health records. They used to share the documents via fax. This was not only a time taking process but also full of manual errors. Digital healthcare innovation streamlines the process for enhanced and fast healthcare services. 

5. Fast Healthcare Service

The cloud-based healthcare system has accelerated the whole healthcare process. Patients who are far away from a hospital or healthcare provider can quickly schedule an appointment and consult with doctors for any kind of health issues. Health cloud offers a quick process for every step related to healthcare like tests, maintaining the patient’s history, follow-ups after an operation, etc., in an organized and fast way. So patients do not need to wait for long hours in the queue. 

Sounds good? You can also implement Salesforce Health Cloud, the cloud-based healthcare system for your healthcare organization. Please feel free to take a free consultation call with CloudVandana to get started. 

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