Customer experience is very important to every business. No matter if is a bad review or good feedback, a recommendation to a friend or a declaim to a neighbor, words always get around. There was a time when customer experiences remained between the company and the customers. But in today’s digital world, everything is shared across the web. Both satisfied and unsatisfied customers share their feedback over open social media platforms. This has a great impact on businesses. Customer experience is defined as the most important differentiator between brands and businesses. So it is one of the most important things to focus on the customer experience to proceed further.
CloudVandana is providing 5 such tips to boost the customer experience in Salesforce.
1.Research About Customer’s Needs
In customer experience management, there are lots of things to consider. The target audience list, their perspective, and their requirements are subjects to be focused on. Without knowing the customers’ needs, it is not possible for an organization to satisfy them. So proper research should be there before starting the customer journey. Every representative of the organization from sales to marketing and customer service should be well aware of the base and needs of their customers. Constantly re-evaluating the customers can provide them a satisfying customer journey. Customers keep on changing their needs over time. So the representatives should always update themselves. Besides they need to create personalized offerings to be unique from other competitors. Companies should treat them as individuals, not random numbers.
2. Personalization Using Customer Data
After the research, suppose a representative drawn visitors or customers to the website, put a lot of effort into networking, and ramped up the social media presence. Salespeople gathered lots of client data for leads, and successfully converted leads into customers. But if customers cancel their accounts after a month or so, the total procedure fails. The service has to be unique in the competition field. Many customers are prone to change their minds frequently. An organization needs every tool available to retain customers. So a long-term relationship process should be adopted to boost the customer experience.
After figuring out the right customers for the business, the representatives need to focus on their interests, their preferable mode of communication, and a smooth customer experience through the help of Salesforce CRM. Some people like to be contacted over the phone, some over social media. So the sales team needs to differentiate the clients according to their database. This database then can be integrated into Salesforce. A company representative then can take the control of the customer relationship and use the data to create a personalized customer experience like personalized emails, text messages, etc. Customers feel special in this way and remain loyal customers in long term.
3. Establishment Of Company Persona And Voice
The retail landscape now spreads across the internet, apps, social media, etc. Customers only select one or two of these platforms for interaction. Establishing a unified brand persona in every channel is very important so that the user can experience the same experience every time. Training and regular coaching for customer service, marketing, and sales representatives is a good way to make sure that every one of the company is not only familiar with the company voice but also comfortable with the company spokesperson. To make use of a comprehensive CRM platform, it should provide built-in training programs and effective support options to help in accomplishing the goal.
4. 1:1 Customer Journey
For a unified company persona, customer experience management is becoming increasingly about crafting a unified customer journey. There are many ways in which customers can interact with the company. So the company needs to ensure a seamless experience for the customers when they move through the channels. Constant support and communication should be there at every stage of the customer journey so that they can experience a seamless journey. Salesforce CRM makes communication easier consistent support, view past communication or past purchase history, send out targeted ads and offers to the listed people and provide cross channel services.
5. Using The Right Tool
A full customer experience management is incomplete without an effective CRM platform. In a competitive marketplace, a CRM solution is the only way to provide a seamless experience to the customers at every point of their journey. Though simply using some form of technology is not enough. Statistics show that the right tool can manage the optimum customer experience and boost the company’s revenue. The company or the organization has been sure to find out a proper cloud-based solution for sales, marketing, and customer service management. Features include predictive analytics, case management, and application development. In addition, the platform should be cost-effective, fully integrated, scalable, provides a seamless customer experience, and are easy to pick up for new users.

Digital Marketing Manager at Cloudvandana Solutions
What an amazing blog! I just loved everything you explained in this blog!
@Vishal Sinhasan Thanks a lot.