MEAN stack developers refer to professionals in a particular set of technologies, MongoDB, Expressjs, AngularJs, and NodeJS. In simple words, MEAN stack developers are like JS-based application developers. 

In this blog, CloudVandana, a reputed Staff Augmentation firm in India, will discuss why organizations should consider hiring MEAN stack developers for their projects. 

In this digital world, organizations across the globe need to adopt advanced technologies to build a product that can add true value to their targeted customer segment. In such a way, the organizations can ensure success for their business. So, companies are rapidly investing in hiring MEAN stack developers for their web development projects and cloud-based applications. 

MEAN Stack

MEAN is a comprehensive JavaScript stack used for cloud-ready applications. It is a web development solution based on full-stack JavaScript technologies. MEAN is the abbreviation for MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular JS development, and Node JS. This technology has introduced new ways for developing scalable web applications using robust design patterns, such as Model View Control. 


Let’s discuss the components of the MEAN stack. 

  • MongoDB

It is a great database program for backend applications as it is easy to scale and adaptable platform. It is an open-source cross-platform that relies on architecture made up of documents rather than tables and rows. In addition, it can manage a huge amount of data easily. 

  • Express.js

It is used for modular web application development that runs on Node.js. It is a minimal and flexible server-side framework based on JavaScript. It simplifies the development process with easy functionality, helping developers to write secure, modular, and faster web applications. 

  • Angular JS

It is a front-end web framework with an MVC architecture that employs Ajax technologies and uses a Javascript-based program. It can rapidly develop dynamic single-page web apps. This framework has a modular structure to boost the scalability of this platform. 

  • Node.js

It is an open-source and cross-platform Javascript environment for implementing the application backend in JS. It is built on Chrome’s V8 engine and designed to create complex network applications and platforms. It works as a runtime application. 

The  Benefits Of Hiring MEAN Stack Developers

Let’s discuss the details-

Cost-Effective Solution

Hiring a remote MEAN-Stack developer is the most trusted option for a product business that wants to build robust and secured solutions. In addition, the deployment cost is lower as the components are free and can run on any server. 


The MEAN Stack framework use modules, library functions, and various public repositories while developing web applications. This framework is cost-efficient and reduces storage space usage and device procurement costs. So, developers can create robust cloud applications using the MongoDB database management system. 

Ability To Deliver App Performance

Node.js is the major component in MEAN Stack used for the development framework that ensures apps deliver excellent performance. MEAN Stack developers use this framework in creating dynamic websites and applications to ensure high-end results. Node.js development is easy to understand and displays better results than other programming languages. 

Swift Switching

MEAN can be easily implemented as everything is written in a single language. As a result, it can be easily switched between the client and server. Using Node.js as the web server, there is no need to use a LAMP stack or Apache. So, full-stack developers can easily deploy the application directly on the server. 

Global Community Support

MongoDB is a renowned NoSQL database provider. Angular JS is backed up by prominent enterprises such as Google. This technology offers advanced features in web development applications. It uses single-page applications, reducing refreshing web pages. The features have made it more popular among businesses and developers. 

There are various other benefits of this platform, and certified MEAN-Stack developers with rich experience can make the web project more user-friendly. Certified developers with rich experience can make the web project more user-friendly. They keep on updating themselves with all the latest technological innovations. So, they can easily implement smart features in the project to ensure their clients get an interactive and responsive website. 

Are you looking for the best team of MEAN Stack developers? Please feel free to schedule a consultation with CloudVandana, and stay one step ahead of your competitors. Call Us Now

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