A calendar is always a go-to tool to plan a day efficiently. With lots of meetings, calls, and events sometimes it becomes time-consuming to open an event to see the details. Now, you can view event details quickly by hovering over an event on your calendars. From the event details, you can edit or delete the event. Previously, it took more time to view and update events, and to see the preview card. It saves time and increases your productivity at work.
Example: Calendar day view, showing several events at different times, the mouse is hovering over a meeting to show the event details in a preview card.

Note: To update the fields in the event detail preview, customize your compact layout for events.

Atul Gupta is CloudVandana’s founder and an 8X Salesforce Certified Professional who works with globally situated businesses to create Custom Salesforce Solutions.
Atul Gupta, a dynamic leader, directs CloudVandana’s Implementation Team, Analytics, and IT functions, ensuring seamless operations and innovative solutions.