Reporting is easy now with the new filter type “category filters” specially designed for Knowledge reports. It will Return information about entire categories and subcategories of knowledge articles.
Filtering Knowledge Reports by Category
Say you have categories defined by geographic region. The root category lists countries like the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Under the United States, categories include individual states like Arizona, California, and Oregon. Under each state, categories include cities. Category filters have their own operators:
- at—Return knowledge articles in the specified category.
- above—Return knowledge articles above and in the specified category.
- below—Return knowledge articles below and in the specified category.
- above or below—Return all knowledge articles above, below, and in the specified category. If there is more than one root category, then the filter returns only knowledge articles that are part of the parent root category.
So with a category filter on the United States below Arizona, your report returns knowledge articles about cities like Tucson and Phoenix. Or, with a category filter on the United States above Arizona, your report instead excludes knowledge articles about cities in Arizona.
How: While editing a report, add a category filter from the Filters pane. To filter by the United States
at Arizona, click icon| Add Category Filter (1). A category filter section appears in the filters pane (2). Select the United States for Category, above for operator, and Arizona for Value, then click Apply (3).

Note: Data category filters are only available on report types that include the Knowledge object, such as Knowledge Articles or Knowledge with Cases.
For more details, visit CloudVandana.

Atul Gupta is CloudVandana’s founder and an 8X Salesforce Certified Professional who works with globally situated businesses to create Custom Salesforce Solutions.
Atul Gupta, a dynamic leader, directs CloudVandana’s Implementation Team, Analytics, and IT functions, ensuring seamless operations and innovative solutions.